Archive | April, 2016

The Queen of Shallot

20 Apr

So, it happened one week before my birthday. My small circle of friends found out my strange habit of eating shallot raw. They were so excited to find out and quickly baptized me with the title “Queen of Shallot”. At first, it sounded just like a gibberish that would be forgotten the next day. Eight days later, I was proven wrong.

On my birthday, it seemed that my friends had been determined to make the title permanent. So, one of them photoshopped a famous Indonesian botanical magazine cover “Trubus” to feature me and my strange fetish. Since then, the title sticks until now.

And rather than fight it, I choose to enjoy it. I even kind of like it. I’ve stated before that it would make a great band name. However, since I do not have a band and do not plan to have one, I’ll just make it into a blog address and title. Of course with a consequence that I must routinely post things there. I do not want to disappoint, don’t I?

So, how about this one? Well, I’ll just keep this one Indonesian then. As I’ve got a lot of inspiration lately to start writing my thoughts to the world. Let’s hope that this time it will not take me 4 months to post another entry….in Indonesian.